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Reed and bush warblers

Autor: Peter Kennerley and David Pearson
Rok: 2010
ISBN: 9780713660227
OKCZID: 110769653

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
KENNERLEY, Peter. Reed and bush warblers. Ilustrace Brian E. SMALL. London: Christopher Helm, 2010. 712 s. Helm identification guides.



This detailed and comprehensive identification guide follows in the mould of Sylvia Warblers and Pipits and Wagtails. It primarily covers the genera Acrocephalus, Locustella, Cettia and Bradypterus, together with a few smaller related genera. To the uninitiated, these are the archetypal 'little brown jobs' and as if they weren't hard enough to identify anyway, many of them are hard to see as well! This authoritative handbook covers their identification in breathtaking detail, illustrated with line drawings, sonograms, wonderful colour plates and photographs. It is destined to become the ultimate reference for these challenging birds.

Zdroj anotace: OKCZ - ANOTACE Z WEBU

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