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Administrative law in Central and Eastern Europe

Autor: Galligan, Denis J., 1947-
Rok: 1999
ISBN: 9789639116405
OKCZID: 110062263

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
GALLIGAN, Denis J., ed. a SMILOV, Daniel M., ed. Administrative law in Central and Eastern Europe, 1996- 1998. Budapest: Central European University Press, c1999. xix, 427 s.



Following the constitutional and political reforms in Central and Eastern Europe of the last decade, the time has now come for the whole-scale reform of public administration - the creation of a professional civil service; a clear sense of the objectives to be achieved by the administration; and the provision of adequate resources to perform the tasks of public administration. In addition, and perhaps most importantly of all, there must be a sound legal basis for public administration. Recognizing these realities, this book examines administrative law and administrative institutions in Central and Eastern Europe. In a series of case studies, discussing each country in the region in turn, it looks at the ways in which a range of administrative decisions are reached and at how the citizens affected by them are treated.

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