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East Central and Eastern Europe in the Early Middle Ages

Rok: 2005
ISBN: 9780472114986
OKCZID: 110077146

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
CURTA, Florin, ed. East Central & Eastern Europe in the Early Middle Ages. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2005. viii, 391 stran.



The first book in English to blend history and archaeology for a period of history currently receiving much scholarly attention, East Central and Eastern Europe in the Early Middle Ages examines key problems of the early medieval history of Eastern Europe, with particular reference to society, state, and the conversion to Christianity, and the diverse ways in which these aspects have been approached in the historiography of the region. The included essays examine the documentary and archaeological evidence of early medieval Europe in an attempt to assess its importance in understanding the construction of cultural identity and the process of political mobilization for the rise of the states. The book addresses an audience of historians, archaeologists, anthropologists, and linguists with an interest in the history of Eastern Europe.

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