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The urban image of late antique Constantinople

Autor: Bassett, Sarah
Rok: 2004
ISBN: 9780521827232
ISBN: 9780521030847
OKCZID: 110200095
Vydání: First published

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
BASSETT, Sarah. The urban image of late antique Constantinople. First published. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2004. xxi, 291 stran.



From its foundation in the fourth century to its fall to the Ottoman Turks in the fifteenth, the city of Constantinople boasted a collection of antiquities unrivaled by any city of the medieval world. This book reconstructs the collection from the time of the city's founding by Constantine the Great through the sixth century reign of the emperor Justinian. Drawing on medieval literary sources and graphic and archaeological material, it identifies and describes the antiquities that were known to have stood in the city's public spaces.

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