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Atlas of Fashion Designers: Laura Eceiza

Rok: 2009
ISBN: 9781592534296
OKCZID: 110203633

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
ECEIZA NEBREDA, Laura. Atlas of fashion designers. 1st pub. Beverly: Rockport Publishers, 2008. 599 s.



Current fashion is a complex phenomenon. In a constant state of flux, contemporary fashion combines a mix of the different cultural aspects that inform the modern individual. Atlas of Fashion Designers is born out of this proposition, and features a compilation of the most important fashion designers and their work in the past five years, selected from a multi- disciplinary perspective that display the heterogeneous mix of today s fashion world. Featured designers all have one trait in common: they were singled out, not only for the quality of their work, but also because they illustrate different perspectives in their approach to fashion. This book includes designers with a wide array of visions, from classical haute couture to those who experiment with developing fields such as anthropology, new textiles, high technology, architecture, art, or recycling. From Ricardo Tiscci, Nicholas Ghesquičre to Sybilla, to artists who are primarily concerned with pure fashion such as Lucy Orta, or to those investigators who concern themselves with innovation in the fields of textile research and technology, such as Issey Miyake or Hussein Chalayan. Atlas of Fashion Designers is a very relevant and useful reference in a hybrid society, which is composed of ever increasing heterogeneous elements. By offering a synthetic, fluid and diverse approach to the subject, the Atlas draws a map of the complex world of fashion at present time, and looks forward to what it may be tomorrow.

Zdroj anotace: Web obalkyknih.cz

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