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America, Russia, and the cold war 1945-1992

Autor: LaFeber, Walter
Rok: c1993
ISBN: 9780070358539
OKCZID: 110576219
Vydání: 7th ed.

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
LAFEBER, Walter. America, Russia, and the cold war 1945-1992. 7th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, c1993. xx, 394 s., mapy. America in crisis.



Using published material from both public and private sources, this concise text focuses on US/Soviet diplomacy to explain the causes and consequences of the Cold War. This edition includes a new final chapter which considers the Bush administration's foreign policy throughout its first term, the events of the attempted coup in Moscow, and the end of Soviet communism and its effect on US foreign relations throughout the world. In addition, newly available materials have been used in rewriting the section on the 1962 missile crisis.

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