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Afro-Latin America, 1800-2000

Autor: George Reid Andrews
Rok: 2004
ISBN: 9780195152333
OKCZID: 110572765

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
ANDREWS, George Reid. Afro-Latin America, 1800-2000 [elektronický zdroj]. New York: Oxford University Press, 2004. viii, 284 p.


While the rise and abolition of slavery and ongoing race relations are central themes of the history of the United States, the African diaspora actually had a far greater impact on Latin and Central America. More than ten times as many Africans came to Spanish and Portuguese America as the United States. In this, the first history of the African diaspora in Latin America from emancipation to the present, George Reid Andrews deftly synthesizes the history of people of African descent in every Latin American country from Mexico and the Caribbean to Argentina. He examines how African peooples and their descendants made their way from slavery to freedom and how they helped shape and responded to political, economic, and cultural changes in their societies. Individually and collectively they pursued the goals of freedom, equality, and citizenship through military service, political parties, civic organizations, labor unions, religious activity, and other avenues.Spanning two centuries, this tour de force should be read by anyone interested in Latin American history, the history of slavery, and the African diaspora, as well as the future of Latin America.

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