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Goods and services in EC law : a study of the relationship between the freedoms

Autor: Jukka Snell
Rok: 2002.
ISBN: 9780199250097
OKCZID: 110054646
Vydání: 1. publ.

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
SNELL, Jukka. Goods and services in EC law: a study of the relationship between the freedoms. 1. publ. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002. xliv, 251 s.


The book examines the law of the free movement of goods and services. These two freedoms are fundamental to the Community's internal market and form the basis for an ever-increasing number of economic transactions as the markets of the Member States become more integrated. The book focuses in particular on the relationship between the freedoms, asking whether the same principles can be applied in both fields.

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