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Wall and Melzack's Textbook of Pain (Textbook of Pain (Wallach))

Rok: 2005
ISBN: 9780443072871
OKCZID: 110123500

Hodnocení: 5.0 / 5 (6 hlasů)


WALL AND MELZACK'S TEXTBOOK OF PAIN, revised under new editorial leadership, and with a host of new, multidisciplinary international contributors, the 5th Edition once again covers virtually every aspect of pain. More than 125 leading minds in the field document all of the very latest knowledge about the neurophysi¬ology, psychology, and assessment of every type of pain syndrome, and describe today's full range of pharmacologic, surgical, electrostimulative, physiotherapeutic, and psychological management options. * Covers all aspects of the physiology, psychology, assessment, and management of pain. * Features contributions from a "who's who" of authorities in pain medicine, ensuring that the book is the most current, reliable, and complete core reference in the field.

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