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Advanced Grammar in Use. A Self-Study Reference and Practice Book for Advanced Learners of English | ||||||||
Autor: Martin Hewings AnotaceAdvanced Grammar in Use contains 120 units of grammar explanation and practice exercises. The book provides coverage of those language areas advanced-level students will find most rewarding to study. The book retains the clarity of presentation of other books in the 'in Use' family. Two-page units present grammar explanation and examples, including typical student mistakes, on left-hand pages, and useful and varied practice on right-hand pages. Extra practice exercises at the back of the book provide further challenging and contrastive practice of grammar points from different units. A study guide helps students find those areas most appropriate for their study. Grammar areas are cross-referenced throughout the book. There are useful appendices dealing with verb forms, and a glossary and all answers are given at the back of the book. Dostupné zdroje