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The Creative Matrix of The Origins: Dynamisms, Forces and the Shaping of Life Book II (Analecta Husserliana)

Rok: 2003
ISBN: 9781402007897
OKCZID: 110054494

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
TYMIENIECKA, Anna-Teresa, ed. The creative matrix of the origins: dynamisms, forces and the shaping of life. 1st ed. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002. xxvi, 408 s. Analecta Husserliana, vol. 77..



Creative force or creative shaping? This unprecedented effort to plumb the workings of the ontopoiesis of life by disentangling its primordial forces and shaping devices as they enter into the originary matrixes of life yields fascinating insights. Prepared by the investigation of the first two matrixes (the `womb of life' and `sharing-in-life', Analecta Husserliana Volume 74) the present collection of essays focuses upon the third and crowning creative matrix, Imaginatio Creatrix here proves itself to be the source and driving force which brings us to the origins of the human mind -- human life. Studies by: Elof Axel Carlson, A-T. Tymieniecka, N. Milkov, Eldon C. Wait, K. Rokstad, M. Golaszewska, M. Kule, W. Kim Rogers, Piotr Mroz, R. Pinilla Burgos, A. Carrillo Canan, G.R. Ronsivalle, J.E. Smith, A. Pawliszyn, A. Rizzacasa, L. Galzigna and M. Galzigna, Jiro Watanabe, M. Jakubczak, K. Tarnowski, M. Durst, W. Pawliszyn, R.A. Kurenkova, Carmen Cozma, E. Supinska-Polit, I.S. Fiut, Gerald Nyenhuis, Osvaldo Rossi, R.D. Sweeney, and D. Ulicka.

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