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Comparative political science. Vol. I. , Comparative political science : research schools and methods | ||||||||
Rok: 2008. AnotaceThe SAGE Library of Political Science collects together the articles that have been most influential in shaping the discipline. Each multi-volume set presents a collection of field-defining published works, both classical and contemporary, sourced from the foremost publications in the discipline by an internationally renowned editor or editorial team. They also include a full introduction, presenting a rationale for the selection and mapping out the past, present and likely future of each area. The series covers both the key approaches to studying the discipline and the primary sub-fields that form the focus of political scientists′ work. The SAGE Library of Political Science will be an essential addition for university libraries throughout the world with an interest in Political Science. Comparative politics addresses the central questions of political science anywhere and everywhere: from ancient Greece to the contemporary world; from established democracies to totalitarian regimes; from small communities to capital cities; and from the international scale to the individual. Edited by one of the world′s foremost political science scholars, this four-volume set provides researchers with a comprehensive overview of the numerous methods and applications of the comparative approach. Volume I: Research Schools and Modes of Explanation: Rational Choice Theory, Cultural Analysis, Structural Theory, and Methods: Quantitative and Qualitative Volume II: Macro-Politics: Regime Structure and Change. Volume III: Macro-Politics: Politics, Economics, and Society Volume IV: Political Choice and Behavior Zdroj anotace: OKCZ - ANOTACE Z WEBU Dostupné zdroje