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Pocket companion to Guyton & Hall textbook of medical physiology

Autor: Hall, John Edward
Rok: 2006
ISBN: 9781416002130
OKCZID: 110005628
Vydání: 11th ed.

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
HALL, John E. Pocket companion to Guyton & Hall textbook of medical physiology. 11 ed. Philadelphia: Saunders, 2006. 736 s.



The new edition of this companion to Guyton & Hall’s Textbook of Medical Physiology, 11th Edition delivers the salient points from the parent text in a manner that is ideal for rapid comprehension of the core concepts in the discipline. Small enough to fit in your pocket, you’ll find concise, easy-to-reference physiology essentials wherever you are...whenever you need it most. * Follows the same organization and scope as the primary text to reinforce key principles. * Provides fast access to essential information through concisely written text. * Represents the ideal, portable source for easy-to-reference need-to-know concepts in physiology. * Covers all of the major systems in the human body while emphasizing system interaction, homeostasis, and pathophysiology.

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