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The Arbitrator's Handbook

Rok: 2005
ISBN: 9781556819162
OKCZID: 110620523



Well-known dispute resolution educator John W. Cooley has revised and updated The Arbitrator’s Handbook for lawyers and continuing legal education arbitration courses. The Arbitrator’s Handbook, Second Edition, begins with an introduction to arbitration describing its stages, types, benefits, and limitations. Cooley defines the role, authority, and ethics requirements of the arbitrator. Cooley then examines the arbitrator’s pre-hearing duties, focusing on the initiation of the arbitration as well as the preparation stage. Chapter three focuses on the hearing, covering such topics as the arbitrator’s opening statement, handling of preliminary matters, review of basic rules of evidence, and making rulings on motions and objections. Chapter four explores the post-hearing such as ruling on post-hearing motions, deciding the merits of the case, and drafting the award and the opinion supporting the award. Chapter five, a new chapter in the second edition, covers information useful to arbitrators when conducting a cyberarbitration. Checklists are included in appendices A-D to ensure that the lawyer/arbitrator takes key actions at critical stages ! of the arbitration process. The appendix also contains updated sample arbitration forms and rules. Highlights include: The International Arbitrator Understanding Basic Principles of Evidence Ensuring Completeness and Accuracy of Transcripts Drafting the Award Domestic Arbitration Rules International Arbitration Rules

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