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EU enlargement and the constitutions of Central and Eastern Europe

Autor: Anneli Albi
Rok: 2005
ISBN: 9780521607360
OKCZID: 110083200

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
ALBI, Anneli. EU enlargement and the constitutions of Central and Eastern Europe. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2005. xxxii, 257 s. Cambridge studies in European law and policy.



In the wake of the EU's greatest enlargement, this book explores the adaptation of the constitutions of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) for membership in the European Union. In response to the painful past, these new constitutions were notably closed to transfer of powers to international organizations, and accorded a prominent status to sovereignty and independence. A little more than a decade later, the process of amending these provisions in view of the transfer of sovereign powers to a supranational organization has proved a sensitive and controversial exercise.

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